Просмотр полной версии : Hello! On what duration of gestation it is possible to pass or take place US?...

03.06.2004, 08:54
Hello! On what duration of gestation it is possible to pass or take place US?

05.06.2004, 08:09
I not the doctor, therefore to my opinion concern accordingly.
To me the doctor told, that it is necessary to spend US in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy for an exact establishment of term because in the first 12 weeks the fetus at all women of the identical size, and then can start to develop individually. He develops in the first 12 weeks at all equally (there are differences only at women different rass). And then UZi do or make approximately on 20 and 36 week of pregnancy. Like so.

08.06.2004, 14:26
If all analyses good also are not present indications to pass or take place US in addition (threat and t. Item), then 3 times for all pregnancy. 12 weeks, 22 24 (screening) and after 30 (before sorts or labors).

12.06.2004, 09:50
Here has found for you clause or article on a subject. Read.
Obstetric ultrasonic scanning helps or assists to find the answer to set of questions, very important for the family expecting a birth of the kid. Judge:
In the first trimester of pregnancy of US threat of an abortion or so-called vesical drift (a rasping deviation or rejection in development of the fetal egg, fraught terrible for health and a life of the woman complications) is the most sensitive instrument for revealing such problems, as an extrauterine pregnancy or a salpingocuesis. Executed at the first suspicion on this pathology, ultrasonic scanning gives the woman and doctors a necessary reserve of time for adequate treatment. And it is already a lot of.
Besides the ultrasonic research spent in the extremity or end of the first trimester of pregnancy, allows to diagnose for a germ a lot of rasping teratisms - incompatible with a life or guaranteeing a serious invalidism of the child after a birth. No less than to suspect series of hereditary diseases - such as a syndrome of the Down, for example. Acknowledgement or confirmation or exception of this diagnosis is spent by means of invasive or aggressive prenatal diagnostics (a biopsy of a chorion) 1, carried out opjat-taki by means of US. Early detection of serious illnesses or diseases at an embryos and a fetus enables parents to solve a uneasy question on destiny of pregnancy. According to passionless statistics, discontinuing such beremennostej in the first trimester gives smaller quantity or amount of complications in comparison with discontinuing on later terms and puts or renders much a smaller psychological trauma to parents - in comparison with that, that happens, when the problem is found out already after a birth of the kid.
At last, the US in the first trimester can already please parents with news about mass updating family, that is establish or install the fact of multifetal pregnancy. And the happy future daddy of twins or trojnjashek will receive a necessary reserve of time for creation appropriate such quantity or amount of kids materialno-technical, speaking an officialese, bases.
In the second trimester of pregnancy of US it is irreplaceable for an estimation of a fetation - ultrasonic scanning allows to define or determine conformity of the kid to a duration of gestation, to study or investigate a status of a placenta (its or her sizes, in particular). It is rather important information because serious deviations or rejections from norm or rate at this time can demand an emergency medical intervention.
In cases, when laboratory inspection of future mother reveals or taps at it or her the certain deviations or rejections (changes of a coagulogram, for example), before doctors was acutely there is a question on development of a late toxicosis of pregnancy - gestoza. Ultrasonic research of a blood flow in vessels of a placenta (t. n. dopplerometrija) helps or assists to answer this question. And, accordingly, allows to appoint or nominate competent treatment in time.
Useful there is a US on this piece of pregnancy and for diagnostics so-called antifosfolipidnogo a syndrome - enough the widespread reason nevynashivanija pregnancy and premature birth or births.
At last, the US, executed in the second trimester, quite can precisely specify to the future parents, what toys and what children's clothes can be got now already in shops - a small ice hockey stick with small bejsbolkami or nice dolls and elegant shljapki. However, if the family wishes to leave a floor of a fetus as fiduciary till the moment of a birth, it is necessary to warn in advance only the doctor - and he will delicately keep silent, even if will see obvious attributes of a sexual accessory or belonging of the kid.
But the primary goal of US in the second trimester, perhaps, is prenatal diagnostics of congenital teratisms at a fetus. Its or his sizes and a degree of development of organs allow the skilled or experienced expert to examine closely or attentively much - beginning or starting from fingers on arms or hand and legs or foots and finishing or stopping details of a structure of vertebra or vertebrae. By means of the ultrasonic scanner of high resolving power on these durations of gestation it is possible to find out tens versions of congenital developmental anomalies of a fetus. And it allows doctors and the future parents to develop or produce rational tactics of the further conducting pregnancy.
In the third trimester it is possible to consider or count as the main mission of US an estimation of a fetoplacental complex. This difficult to pronounce term is understood as a working status of a placenta and parameters of a fetation - its or his sizes, a degree of a maturity of organs and systems. At an essential deviation or rejection of the given parameters from norm or rate it is possible to suspect a so-called fetoplacental failure and a syndrome of a delay of fetal development. These statuses frequently demand a competent medical intervention - otherwise rather possibly birth malovesnogo, the unripe and weakened or easied kid.
Does not lose the urgency and the problem or task of antenatal diagnostics of congenital developmental anomalies of a fetus assigned to US. On this piece of pregnancy so-called late revealed or taped teratisms - what are not always visualized at US on earlier terms are diagnosed. Such, for example, as a hydronephrosis and megaureter (a pyelectasia and augmentation of a ureter, accordingly). Sometimes the US not only helps or assists to find out congenital defects in a fetus, but also allows to carry out their treatment directly in a cavity of the uterus. For example, at difficulty othozhdenija the urine, caused or called by developmental anomaly mocheispuskatelnogo the channel at a fetus, carried out under the control of US the puncture of a bladder of the kid helps or assists to prevent destruction of its or his kidneys. It gives real hope for successful surgical treatment after a birth.
In the third trimester of US can respond and to set of other questions - what presentation, for example. In other words, how the kid is measured or going to leave patrimonial ways - forward a head or breeches. Or what locating of a placenta in relation to uterine fauces... However it in most cases has rather small value, in fact by the moment of sorts or labors can still change.