Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor! Help or assist kind advice or council to the pregnant woman! To me 25...

11.06.2004, 08:20
Hello, the doctor! Help or assist kind advice or council to the pregnant woman! To me 25. Pregnancy the first. Term of 34 35 weeks. Till 27 weeks felt as the cosmonaut, all analyses (the smear, a blood, urine) were normal. And suddenly in 27 weeks I have felt strong strains of a uterus and a pain as at monthly. Next day has laid down in hospital with threat of premature birth or births. About one today I already 3 times laid with threat, after the next extract of the house was no more than 5 days. Here yesterday me have urgently written out from 25 r/d in connection with its or his closing. Now I lay at home from tokolitikov I drink Partusistenum of 6 times on 1 tablet, from hormones Dexamethazonum on 1/4 evening, Essentiale and many different vitamins. Voobshchem for today nothing disturbs (I mean a tonus and pains), but whether for a long time? However, I for 1.5 months of treatment have already received a kind dose magenzii and giniprala (in total 23 droppers). Analyses of urine, blood and smears normal, KTG - 0, 5, on US and doppleru it's OK, but the kid in the sizes lags behind for 1, 5 weeks, but doctors speak, what is it it is not terrible, and "top dressing" v/in injections is not required. I am am disturbed with one question: WHY WITH me IT HAPPENS, WHY I CAN not is normal VYPNOSIT the KID? Doctors set to me one and tezhe questions: whether I handed over the analysis on hormones and on sexual infections. On hormones did not hand over. And here 1, 5 years ago up to pregnancy at me was a gonorrhea for which I 2 months was treated " under the full program " in KVD on a residence, after treatment of time 3 handed over the analysis on crop, more infections it was revealed not. Also I handed over still paid analyses on crop on neskolno sexual infections (I do not remember what). Anything it was revealed not. After a gonorrhea I some times had a thrush which treated different medicines including difljukanom.
During pregnancy as I already spoke anything SUCH was not, besides, I still a sexual life do not live. I do not exclude probability, that all could occur or happen because of nerves (problems in family), but now all house from me " a dust blow off ".... Why, the doctor, on what I should pay attention, what threatens my kid???? TELL or SAY, please!!!!

Pasenjuk A.M.
11.06.2004, 10:31
Why you cannot bear or take out easy child - I do not know, the reasons one million. If now that's all right nothing threatens. Try to conduct a measured way of life, to keep sexual and physical rest, to carry out purposes or appointments of the doctor both inform, and give birth. The attention should be turned on the status (pains, gravity in a loin), on shevelenija a fetus, after 28 weeks to make doppler and KTG

12.06.2004, 06:15
Thanks, the doctor!