Просмотр полной версии : Zdrastvujte! Recently did or made in an out-patient department a smear. The maintenance or contents koko has come to light...

11.06.2004, 03:43
Zdrastvujte! Recently did or made in an out-patient department a smear. The maintenance or contents of cooks has come to light. You could not tell or say therefore they have appeared (before I did or made a smear and all was normal, the partner did not vary) if it is illness or disease what and as it or she can be treated. During when I did or made a smear at me there was an itch in a vagina and strange allocation. After course of treatment nistatinovymi suppositories all has passed or has taken place. Thanks in advance.

Malanova T.B.
12.06.2004, 06:10
Occurrence of coccal flora in a smear speaks about vospvalenii - a colpitis. If at All of you has passed or has taken place at treatment by Nistatinum - you had "thrush", it is necessary for you to hand over control smears.