Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor! About half a year back to me checked permeability of pipes...

12.06.2004, 01:08
Hello, the doctor!
About half a year back to me checked permeability of pipes in such a way (unfortunately, I have not remembered the name): have entered a liquid into a cavity of the uterus through a special catheter, and then looked by means of US and have informed, that the liquid through pipes has safely passed or has safely taken place and is visualized behind a cavity of the uterus . Tell or say, please, how much such research authentically? Thanks.

The doctor
12.06.2004, 03:34
Gisterosalpingoskopija authentically shows, that the contrast liquid on pipes passes or takes place. But, unfortunately, it does not give guarantees, that also well there passes or there takes place also an ootid (there is a set of other factors from what it depends, and not just from width of a lumen of a pipe).

Kuharkin S.A.
12.06.2004, 05:43
Not so exact method of diagnostics. I would assume, that it is better at suspicion on tubal bespldie or adherent or adhesive process to make a laparoscopy.