Просмотр полной версии : The US were defined or determined only with pregnancy (uterine) 3 4 weeks. A fetal egg in n...

10.06.2004, 05:54
The US were defined or determined only with pregnancy (uterine) 3 4 weeks. A fetal egg in norm or rate. About a tonus of a uterus in general have told or said nothing, and when I have complained of pains to me the doctor have registered NO-SHPA and all. But pains in the bottom of a stomach or belly do not pass or take place and nojut a leg or foot up to knees what to do or make?

10.06.2004, 17:32
The main thing, do not panic. It often happens on your term. Try to have a rest more, do not go in cycles in state of health, be pleased pregnancy, be adjusted or set up only on good and all will be good. I was hurted or was ill;was sick too with a bottom of a stomach or belly, but to me the doctor has told or said, what is it grows to a uterus and I strongly did not worry. Though experienced, nachitavshis any nonsenses, as though there was no abortion of which frighten till 12 weeks. Now at me pregnancy of 13 weeks, a toxicosis has gone, mood and state of health (tfu-fie) remarkable. So suffer it is a little. I wish good luck!!!

Pasenjuk A.M.
12.06.2004, 02:41
To accept spazmolitiki and to not be capricious - on early term all happens