Просмотр полной версии : Hello. At me pregnancy of 20 weeks, on the account to the doctor has risen in 12 not...

11.06.2004, 04:47
Hello. At me pregnancy of 20 weeks, on the account to the doctor has risen in 12 weeks, already for that moment I had allocation, burning sensation and an itch. The doctor has taken a smear, the thrush has then told or said, what is it, has written out pimafutsin (a course of 6 candles). Result any, the doctor certain does not speak anything what to do or make I do not know. Prompt please as to me it is treated, it is already impossible to suffer or bear and I am afraid for the child. Very much I ask to respond me, t. To. I asked this question, and the answer and was not.

Ryazanov And.
11.06.2004, 23:09
The thrush often arises at pregnant women. It is result of depression of immunity. Completely to cure it or her at pregnancy it is practically impossible. And here to facilitate position such preparations, as polizhinaks, tirzhinan, the same pimafutsin, Clotrimazolum help or assist. To achieve result, it is necessary to accept a preparation at least 12 days. On the given term can try or taste Clotrimazolum, only preliminary moisten a candle with water. Before sorts or labors usually (in a hospital) spend sanation of a vagina by a solution burs in Glycerinum. After sorts or labors if the thrush will not pass or not take place itself (and such happens at change of a hormonal background), accept one capsule difljukana (150 mg).