Просмотр полной версии : Hello. To me have advised to address on your site for the help. Mine in...

10.06.2004, 22:43
To me have advised to address on your site for the help.
My doctor has told or said to me to accept Novinet during treatment of erosion, as he said month 2 it is necessary to be protected carefully. And notwithstanding what I have told or said about the problems with health, the doctor has not spent any analyses. At me it is a lot of doubts as for me hormonal preparations are first of all chemistry and synthetics. Earlier to me did not advise to apply hormonal preparations vsledstvii the several reasons: at me a neurodermite (with 2 h years), I often accepted Ketotifenum, Suprastinum till the moment when 2 years ago they have simply ceased to help or assist. From a status when all body was in raschesah and a scab me have extended only plazmoforezom after that I try to use only Diazolinum. Also there are attacks of a bronchial asthma. 2 years ago have diagnosed - a cholecystitis (that is contraindication to reception Novineta). Also reception of hormonal preparations demands additional preservation at a vomiting and diarrhea.., That happens certainly not every day, but there is enough often. What to do or make I do not know. Till now (year 3) with the husband used for preservation the interrupted sexual certificate or act (pregnancy did not come). Chemical methods do not send or have approached;have suited, napr. Use of a condom and farmateksa leads to a boring.
Prompt please what to do or make in such situation?
Yours faithfully, Hope

Pasenjuk A.M.
11.06.2004, 16:42
It is not obligatory to accept Novinet during treatment of erosion. Having it is so much contraindications. Necessarily cytologic smear + obsledovnie on ZPPP then be observed