Просмотр полной версии : Repeatedly: Yesterday was at the gynecologist, he has found erosion shejki uteruses, it is more niche...

08.06.2004, 22:11
Repeatedly: Yesterday was at the gynecologist, he has found erosion shejki uteruses, more nothing has found out, has passed or has taken place uzi, anomalies not vyjavlenno. Allocation of a blood have stopped on July, 31st at night, really such consequences can be from erosion shejki uteruses?

Maljarskaja M.M.
09.06.2004, 02:07
Kakite consequences? The Staxis or Bleeding sickness of erosion - usual business, not a bleeding kognechno, namely botched work, a sanies. Before, after a menses and after affinity.

10.06.2004, 02:43
Repeatedly: Thanks for the answer, but at me arises one more question, and pains in the left part of a stomach can be caused or called by erosion? What ways is better to apply to treatment, I yet did not give birth or travail.

Maljarskaja M.M.
10.06.2004, 08:59
No, hurt in general and in a stomach especially with erosion are connected cannot be. It is necessary to cure all over again an inflammation if it is, and to observe of erosion, she can heal itself, it is necessary only on the basis of the expanded colposcopy (survey shejki uteruses under mikrskopom after special painting) to be convinced, what is it usual erozzija - ektopijaju, instead of other, more serious pathology shejki uteruses, trebujushchajaudalenija. Then not given birth or not travailled the surgical laser most of all approaches or suits, he does not leave cicatrixes

11.06.2004, 13:31
Today I again was at the gynecologist. He has told or said that, bloody allocation in urine could not be iz-for erosions. I even have started to doubt a little, he has told or said that you probably have mixed something, and has told or said that you probably have thought that krovotecheni was vaginalnym. To that to me should be trusted more to your conclusions or the doctor?