Просмотр полной версии : Help or Assist to define or determine a duration of gestation more precisely, please!! The last kneading...

10.06.2004, 23:57
Help or Assist to define or determine a duration of gestation more precisely, please!! Last monthly have begun on February, 10th, the child have conceived on March, 3rd (date exact, tk planned). On last date - 14 week, on the first - 17 has ended, 5... .uzi always gde-that for a week of more conception puts, speak, the big child. The doctor conducts term from conception. It is necessary to hand over analyses on AFP and HGCH, I am afraid to pass or miss term, tk on the first still early, on the second almost the extremity or end.: ((in advance thanks!

Shapovalova L.M., the pharmacologist
11.06.2004, 05:21
Hello, Natalia. Pregnancy lasts 40 from first day of last menses, that doctors there would not speak, US, etc. - in all textbooks on obstetrics it is written. Why some doctors forget (or do not know) it is a riddle of our education.