Просмотр полной версии : Ya v rasterennosti, pomoqite pojaluysta!!! Moey docheri 3 qoda i ona podxv...

06.06.2004, 04:32
Ya v rasterennosti, pomoqite pojaluysta!!! Moey docheri 3 qoda i ona podxvatila krasnuxu, a u menya beremennoct 13 nedel, sama ne zapazilas no vrachi qovorat cho eto otrazitsa na budushem rebenke, chto mne delat?

09.06.2004, 18:46
Esli u tebai byla privivka protiv krasnuxe i ty sama ne zabolees krasnuxoi nikak eto ne srazitsia no skolko ja citala pro krasnuxu

10.06.2004, 22:19
If you was ill or sick with a rubella earlier, or did or made an inoculation, the child in safety. If is not present, it is necessary to hand over the analysis of a blood on antibodies of a rubella. Probably endometrial infection of a fetus that leads to developmental anomalies. And this analysis will reveal, whether there was an infection or not. If yes, it is necessary to interrupt. But it will be solved only by the doctor. So was with my girlfriend: at it or her pregnancy of 10 weeks, and the senior son (13 years) was ill. She did not remember, whether hurted or was ill;was sick in the childhood and did not do or make an inoculation. Has handed over a blood on antibodies of a rubella (it is longly done or made the analysis - about a week) and the analysis has shown, that there is a fetal infection. It was necessary to interrupt on 14 week... Well can at you will manage. Success...