Просмотр полной версии : I have made 2 tests, rez-t in both cases positive. Whether it is authentic?...

09.06.2004, 12:52
I have made 2 tests, rez-t in both cases positive. Whether it is authentic? Was at the doctor, he has told or said, that there is a suspicion on pregnancy, but it is necessary to make uzi. Term of 10 days. All attributes on the face: the sleepiness, a breast has increased and hurts, but pulls a bottom of a stomach or belly, constantly a little. Whether tell or say pozhalusta it is possible to tell or say, what I am pregnant? Also are abdominal pains threat vykidyshcha?!!! In advance thanks

Kasabulatov N.S.
10.06.2004, 19:55
It is possible to tell or say, that you are pregnant. If it is pregnancy pains are one of attributes of threat of an abortion. Uzi in this term can nothing define or determine. It is better to hand over a blood on beta-HG (on pregnancy).