Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! Thanks you for the answer to my question from February, 1st in occasion of...

09.06.2004, 07:21
The dear doctor! Thanks you for the answer to my question from February, 1st in occasion of influence on a fetus of a difference in the age of at parents. You have very much calmed me. After an abortion me have directed to genetics, he was pochemu-that is amazed or struck by our difference in the age of with the husband, and in it or this has seen the reason of all event. Has allowed a direction to both of us to hand over a blood on karotip. The analysis enough dear or expensive. Whether tell or say, please, it is necessary to us to hand over this analysis now if I now can become pregnant only approximately in half a year? For these or it half a year we karotip will not change? Can costs or stands with analysis while to wait? Thankful in advance to you for the answer.

Talanova E.J.
10.06.2004, 19:27
Dear Alain! If you correctly interpreted reaction vracha-genetics (namely, that its or his trouble for you has been connected first of all with a difference in the age of between spouses) it is meaningful to address to other expert (not offending, however, and the given doctor as it or he could have and other bases, and all we people). If abortirovannyj the material was not investigated or researched (on a karyotype) the bases to speak about a syndrome of the Down in your concrete case practically were not about what I already wrote to you. However, research on a karyotype to spend, probably, follows, as sometimes the risk of occurrence of a pathology is raised or increased by virtue of specific features of chromosomes of one of members of family. With the analysis of a karyotype it is possible to not hurry, as actually a karyotype (t. e. The set of chromosomes) does not vary during a life, change of separate sites of chromosomes that occurs or happens seldom is possible or probable only, but frequency of such events raises or increases under action of the certain reasons (radiation, long influence of greater or big doses of strong chemical cloudies and t. Item). So you still have time to analyse the karyotype and a karyotype of the husband before planned conception (let it will be an additional guarantee against prejudices, just in case). To in total you kind! Remember, that the history knows SET of CASES of successful continuation of a sort and at more expressed difference in the age of (35 and more years).