Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! My history: Stood beremenost on 9 week - prichi...

02.06.2004, 21:55
The dear doctor!

My history:
Stood beremenost on 9 week - the reasons the clamidiosis sexual herpes (without relapses) are not revealed, found (is cured) also. Following beremenost it is interrupted on 14 week owing to an acrania (chromosomal anomaly - genetics have told or said, that at our normal karyotype is easier mistake or error of the nature).

However the surgeon who would be done or made with abortion of the second has told or said, that the placenta was already prestood, half-dead, that allows to assume, what even without an acrania (probably) there were problems.

After that I get to the new doctor. For me it is ENORMOUS authority on my city. She has suspected at me an endometriosis to attributes (a strong pain at M, other attributes are not present). To me have made a hysteroscopy. Adenominoz has proved to be true, however a degree to me have not told or said, have simply told or said - " a classical case though photograph ".

Kostyuk registers treatment:
3 months: Danol, ZHanin without interruption, Vobenzim + Zaloks (antidepressant) + Gepabene (liver).

My questions:

1. Really such terrible (as in my opinion) treatment really is necessary for me, if I can become pregnant (both of time to become pregnant it has turned out quickly enough)

2. Why to me it is appointed or nominated Danol which causes iskustv. A climacterium (in a dose 600 for day, instead of 400 as usually register) + still ZHanin. What for still oral contraceptives, if and so there will be a climacterium???

3. Whether I shall hammer in the About? How will quickly return About? There CAN be to me enough 3 months of one ZHanina and probyvat??? In fact I of pregnancy were supported or maintained by nothing, can be simply become pregnant and support or maintain djufastonom (or similar)??

4. How about by-effects? Madly I am afraid to grow fat and other?? What statistics?

5. Whether if by-effects will start to arise is possible to refuse from treatment on half-roads?

6. The question from my husband (to me does not believe) - whether can be mistaken and accept a hysteroscopy an endometriosis for consequences honey. Abortion (after abortion only one)

I shall be very grateful to your answers
Thanks big in advance

06.06.2004, 17:19
Unfortunately I can not answer all your questions, the only thing that I know precisely and it will tell or say any doctor, that the endometriosis it is a consequence honey of abortion, it has gone through and I know. eot it is not dangerous, it is necessary to restore simply a cycle and to borrow or occupy in a physiotherapy, nek stuff itself with unnecessary preparations, talk to your doctor about Renitsine, he restoring, not cheap, not harmful. Success to you! Find the good expert, it is a little patience and all will be good!

Thanks for the answer
07.06.2004, 03:54
Elena, thanks for the answer. I have small doubts, that an adenomyosis are consequences of abortions, because: the terrible, intolerant pain at monthly accompanies me all life and the first beremenost too from something has stood... I am afraid, that my endometriosis so started, that will be physiotherapies a little....

08.06.2004, 21:05
Actually there is a set of methods it or him to cure, undergo treatment at one expert because at everyone the methods, try to cure it antibiotics + a physiotherapy (necessarily!!!)

09.06.2004, 23:45
In that continually, that my doctor to me attributes (as in my opinion) too rigid method of treatment - iskustvennyj a climacterium moreover and together with OK with which I do not agree. And other doctor in my city is not present. Here in what my problem. That is why the opinion of other doctor is interesting to me.

10.06.2004, 17:45
In that continually, that my doctor to me attributes (as in my opinion) too rigid method of treatment - iskustvennyj a climacterium moreover and together with OK with which I do not agree. And other doctor in my city is not present. Here in what my problem. That is why the opinion of other doctor is interesting to me.