Просмотр полной версии : At me dysplasia I-II. Did not give birth or travail. I want the child. Whether the dysplasia to it or this p can...

Nadja 26 years.
10.06.2004, 14:50
At me dysplasia I-II. Did not give birth or travail. I want the child. Whether the dysplasia to it or this can prevent?
In last analyses the doctor has told or said, that the dysplasia is not present. And then she has again appeared. Such it is possible or probable?
Thanks for the answer!

Savchenko A.A.
10.06.2004, 17:38
The dysplasia of 1 degree and very seldom 2 according to the literature can be exposed to an involution, t. e. To come convalescence. The probability such prevrazhenija is small, especially without treatment. If the diagnosis is based or founded;established on the cytologic conclusion such it is possible or probable, the dysplasia can be present at one analysis, in its or her following will not be, in the following again will appear. It depends on presence or absence of an inflammation. But the diagnosis - displazija-basically histological. The biopsy is necessary. If the histological conclusion - displazija-that this indication for treatment. If you just plan to become pregnant, it is necessary for you to specify the diagnosis and if necessary to spend treatment, then to become pregnant. If you are already pregnant to you specification of the diagnosis it is necessary, consultation onkoginekologa for exception of malignant process is shown.