Просмотр полной версии : I have ceased to accept Triziston (24.03.01 - posledn. Tab.). I can sejch...

08.06.2004, 18:00
I have ceased to accept Triziston (24.03.01 - posledn. Tab.). I can become pregnant now, it is not harmful right after hormones? Or it is better to wait, how much - mesjats-two?

10.06.2004, 07:53
I too have ceased to accept Triziston - in January of this year, and now at me pregnancy. I also have become pregnant in March from the unique sexual certificate or act for a cycle which and was long before an ovulation - 5 days. Here so.

Pasenjuk A.M.
10.06.2004, 10:26
Basically it is not dangerous, sometimes on the contrary. Appoint or nominate OK that the woman has become pregnant on a withdrawal. In an ideal it is better to become pregnant in a month but if pregnancy has come or stepped at once do not worry - the tablet to be deduced or removed within day.