Просмотр полной версии : The doctor has appointed or nominated a preparation Bromocriptinum (the raised or increased level of Prolactinum, disfun...

12.05.2004, 16:15
The doctor has appointed or nominated a preparation Bromocriptinum (the raised or increased level of Prolactinum, dysfunction of ovaries).
Tell or Say to me the given preparation, please, is how much effective?

Gorodetskaja M.D.
15.05.2004, 03:23
It is effective.

18.05.2004, 12:39
t. e. I can become pregnant?:-)

Gorodetskaja M.D.
21.05.2004, 07:41
Yes, but only Bromocriptinum a little.

23.05.2004, 01:13
H'm, and what will recommend?
The doctor has told or said, that after Bromocriptinum I shall become pregnant " with polpinka "
Can add still mastodinon and aevit?

26.05.2004, 08:15
nelli, I drank Bromocriptinum. For one and a half month Prolactinum has decreased with 380 up to 71. At norm or rate of laboratory from 60 up to 630. Till now I do not understand, what for to me it or him have appointed or nominated? But a preparation, apparently from results, effective enough.

27.05.2004, 00:27
Lada, thanks for the answer! So you had a problem or task to conceive or not? I - that to become pregnant I want. At me secondary sterility or barrenness.
On a subject: something I badly transfer or carry this Bromocriptinum. Has left on a dose 2 tab in day, it is direct kolbasit not - detstki directly on a workplace, as though a toxicosis any... .uuuu...
And at you as was?

Gorodetskaja M.D.
30.05.2004, 17:39
Bromocriptinum reduces a level of Prolactinum, but does not treat a consequence of its or his rising - raspingly speaking, does not restore a high-grade ovulatory cycle.

31.05.2004, 04:48
nelli, at me was tazhe the purpose, as at you. I have not become pregnant. The ovulation at me was and before reception of Bromocriptinum (traced on uzi). Me stirred up from Bromocriptinum while I have not started to drink it or him on a full stomach (well, very full). At you only Prolactinum not in norm or rate? And other hormones?

01.06.2004, 10:14
Lada, thanks for the answer! Sincerely I wish you a birth of the healthy kid!
Other hormones by way of.
Bromocriptinum I continue, I shall add still Aevitum (dead a poultice:-) imho) also I do not forget about the Pray!

04.06.2004, 08:38
nelli, and to you to become pregnant and give birth to the healthy kid more soon! About a pray: thanks that have reminded! About vitamins: Aevitum it is not necessary is better. Vatamin And collects in an organism and raises or increases risk serdechno-vascular diseases. Certainly in Aevitum he not in such quantities or amounts, but nevertheless is not necessary... Better pure or clean vitamin E. I drink Vitrum Vitamin E (there 60 capsules in packing, cost or stand 150). Suffices for 4 months as I drink it or him on one capsule in day after an ovulation (for me about 17 days of a cycle and up to monthly). And up to an ovulation I drink Pentovitum (vitamin B). He deshovyj (roubles 10 cost or stand 50 tabeltochek). Acidum folicum I drink constantly.

08.06.2004, 02:23
iolites, but do not forget to be treated.

10.06.2004, 08:35
Dear Marina Davydovna, Lada, Kira!
It has turned out! At all I do not know, that has helped or assisted. A pray, Bromocriptinum or leeches. Directly miracles any. Did not become pregnant more than 4 years.
Have made to the senior son (20) the long-awaited little sister or bratika!