Просмотр полной версии : Uv. doktor! Pomogite pojal. Mi s mujem uje 4 goda jivem, hotim rebenka, no...

08.06.2004, 23:22
Uv. doktor! Pomogite pojal. Mi s mujem uje 4 goda jivem, hotim rebenka, no ya ne beremeneyu. Seychas mi vremenno v Portugalii, oboe prosli obsledovania, doktor skaz. vrode ya zdorova (hotya kajdiy mes. imeu vidileniya pered menstrua) i u muja horosaya spermogr (na Ukraine emu postavili diagnoz "varikoele") i nam predlogili oplodotvorenie. Mne 25 let, sto mne delat, esli u nas dvoih vse norm., mojet stoit podojdat?

Kamenetskij B.A.
09.06.2004, 11:41
I think, that four years is a sufficient term to be defined or determined it is necessary to wait still or not. About sterility or barrenness speak already after a year of absence of pregnancy. If business or affairs are how your doctor it is a question about t declares. n. To the idiopathic (inexplicable) form of sterility or barrenness and the decision of a problem lays in a plane of carrying out of an auxiliary reproduction (EKO). However even on Ashemu to the short report, I have an impression, what not all so smoothly and fine with yours reprduktivnym health. Unfortunately neither to diagnose, nor appoint or nominate treatment in absentia I cannot.
Yours faithfully
The doctor akusher-the gynecologist, to. M. n.

10.06.2004, 05:11
Uv. doktor! Bolsoe spasibo za otvet. Izvinyaus za kirilisu. Posovetuite poj., stoit li muju poehat na Ukrainu i sdelat operasiyu (varikosele) pered EKO. Mne v Portugalii naznasili EKO, vrasi za muja molchat, govoryat v spermograme neznasit. otkloneniya. Kakaya patologiya mojet bit u menya, esli nasinaya s pervoi menstruasii (s 12 let) cikli regulyarni, no 4 5 dney pered kajdoy menstr. imeyu temnie videleniya? Ni odin vras nisego ne govorit, gormonalnie analizi v poradke. Bolsoe spasibo