Просмотр полной версии : Hello. At me 11 week of the first beremenosti. To me 31 year. Necessarily...

05.06.2004, 07:13
Hello. At me 11 week of the first beremenosti. To me 31 year. Whether necessarily to pass or take place all analyses on revealing of a syndrome of the Down and t. Item and also to hand over analyses on different kinds of infections? Thanks?

07.06.2004, 21:57
Obligatory anything is not present, but it in your interests. You did not see puerperas in a sort. The house with children having deviations or rejections. 21 centuries or blepharons if there is an opportunity as much as possible to be assured or confident in health of a fetus why is not present? The Doctor of the maximum or supreme category akusher-ginekolog-endocrinologist Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.

09.06.2004, 23:46
Eto tolko vashe lichnoe zhelanie delat obsledovanie na geneticheskie bolezni. Voobsche tastoyatelno rekomenduut delat tolko zhenschinam posle 35 let.