Просмотр полной версии : The dear Doctor, at me a question, please respond. At me sterility or barrenness, about...

07.06.2004, 18:54
The dear Doctor, at me a question, please respond. At me sterility or barrenness, has spent on drink a course klostilbegita, has finished in May. Last months monthly very astable, two months ago, have begun earlier for 5 days, then in time for 28 day of a cycle, and this month for 35 days, were plentiful and morbid, and with smeared vydelenijam during six days. This month, has decided to buy or purchase the test for definition of an ovulation, but absolutely I can not understand on what in any way day it is necessary to start to use the test. Please help or assist.

Gorodetskaja M.D.
09.06.2004, 06:29
The test isplzuetsja only at a regular cycle.