Просмотр полной версии : Hello, it would be desirable to receive consultation. At me a cycle of 28 days. In on...

08.06.2004, 17:26
Hello, it would be desirable to receive consultation. At me a cycle of 28 days. In last cycle an ovulation according to. Temperatures has occured or happened for 25 day. Now the sixth day of a delay. The test for pregnancy shows negative result. According to. Temperatures the sixth day the temperature keeps 36, 9. (in a cycle the minimal temperature 36, 2, maximal 37, 1). Whether there can be a pregnancy or this any disease?

Soboleva L.I.
09.06.2004, 05:26
Hello! There Is a probability, that you are pregnant. Also it is impossible to exclude disturbance of a cycle. Address to the doctor internally, make US.