Просмотр полной версии : To me 21 year. I an inflammation of appendages of a uterus, have delays monthly...

06.06.2004, 17:44
To me 21 year. I an inflammation of appendages of a uterus, have delays monthly. I was at ginekologa-the endocrinologist. By its or her advice or council every morning has measured rectal temperature. Having looked at these data the doctor the temperature high has told or said, that, such byvaobychno happens at pregnant women. But in fact umenja there was no contact. Why the temperature has appeared high?

Malanova T.B.
07.06.2004, 04:19
And in what days of a cycle you took temperature? And during what time?

09.06.2004, 04:52
On all extent of a cycle I have measured tempetaturu, in the morning, after awakening.