Просмотр полной версии : Hello. I on 26 oh to week ber. About two weeks slightly pulls pr...

JUlja And.
07.06.2004, 13:58
Hello. I on 26 oh to week ber. About two weeks slightly pulls a right kidney, but from time to time. In the childhood there was a pyelonephritis. In urine have found traces of fiber and erythrocytes. The doctor has appointed or nominated Phytolysinum and povtorn. The analysis in 5 days. Than it in general can threaten? In advance I thank.

Oshchepkova S.R.
09.06.2004, 04:34
Acute pyelonephritis, gestoz on a background of a pyelonephritis, septic complications, deterioration of vital activity of a fetus. At repetition of bad analyses it is better to be hospitalized.