Просмотр полной версии : The doctor help or assist pozhalujsto. I on 7 week of pregnancy. Has decided to do or make ab...

07.06.2004, 13:53
The doctor help or assist pozhalujsto. I on 7 week of pregnancy. Has decided to do or make abortion. The thrush has handed over analiz-. The suppository in a vagina treated Clotrimazolum of 6 days for the night. Nistatinum on 2 tab 3 times day and syringing in the morning and in the evening soda. A repeated smear too bad. The doctor has registered Tinidazolum 4 tab in 15 minutes and Clotrimazolum of 6 days for the night in a vagina + syringing by a camomile or soda. (that the camomile or soda is better?) I am am disturbed with the attitude or relation of the doctor to my health. I have found a lot of information on abortions in the Internet (what analyses, procedures up to, during and after abortion) whether the doctor of all this or while I shall not ask to me nothing Should keep will tell or say. To check up anatomic perfection of a uterus (to make uzi), To appoint or nominate treatment after abortion (antibiotics resolvents, vitamins) to pick up and register contraceptive tablets (it is written, what they render good effect on an adhesion of a uterus), a physiotherapy (What physiotherapy, What enters into it or her?) To check up a level of a hemoglobin and leucocytes in a blood, to define or determine group of a blood and a rhesus the factor. In what clinics (free-of-charge) actions on good carrying out of abortion are kept all: stock-taking of all analyses, uzi before abortion, gisteroskorija, gynecologic massage of a uterus, purpose or appointment of dynamic currents to track or look after reception of a contraceptive tablet at once after abortion, to enter a medical product for reduction of a uterus). at me the first negative group of a blood Doctor Maljarskaja of M. has told or said to make an injection antirezusnogo immunoglabulina (Where it or he can be bought or purchased and as it is done or made inktsija, whether can make it or her the doctor which does or makes abortion). In occasion of anesthesia. Whether it is possible to make it or her local, t. To. I am afraid that the doctor something is inexact will make or something will leave unfinished. Whether today I have asked the doctor it is necessary for me uzi, the doctor has told or said, that if I am pregnant, at me all vporjadke. Whether Pravelno it? Many thanks.

Pasenjuk A.M.
09.06.2004, 03:17
Better a camomile. I cannot advise you free-of-charge clinic according to your demands unless 18 maternity home, 2 maternity home, 49 hospital 1 gynecology where it is simple to you otnesutsja on chelovecheski and will make qualitatively, and all rest after abortion - to the local doctor. Under the standard of medical service in the Russian Federation before abortion the smear on flora, RV, a HIV, a virus hepatitis, group of a blood and rezusfaktor, sanation (if is vospalenie-that to you is done or made) is carried out, at suspicion on an extrauterine pregnancy or a salpingocuesis - US. In this case to an occasion of US solve independently in the private or individual order, doctor ZHK of the rights (under the standard). On the world standard - abortion is carried out after performance perecheslennyh analyses + the general or common analysis of a blood and urine + under the control of US then under indications are appointed or nominated antibitiki and steals up OK. The physiotherapy is shown at complications. antirezusgammagobulin should enters there where abortion is carried out, or you can get it or him at station of a hemotransfusion. To be entered intramusculary or pozhkozhno. Abortions are carried out under the general or common anasteziej but if you the most patient person - advise of it or this the doctor and refuse anesthesia, having replaced with its or her local anesthesia. In my opinion, it is better to you to address in private or individual clinic