Просмотр полной версии : Hello. Consultation of the gynecologist, but my greater or big probl is very necessary to me...

31.05.2004, 04:19
Hello. Consultation of the gynecologist is very necessary to me, but my greater or big problema-is pavor! I still never was on reception and I can not be solved in any way! It seems to me, that to me it will be sick, when to me will enter "razdvigatel" (as he correctly is called I I do not know), t. To. I a year do not live a sexual life, yes even when a vein, me balo it is sick when the partner entered into me. It for me really problem, I can not overcome the pavor, and indeed very much it is necessary to me on reception to the gynecologist. But iz-for it or this I pull already 3 y year! Tell or say, please, as deeply enter this piece and whether it is valid painfully? More in detail you also could not describe, what the gynecologist does or makes at survey? Please, for me it is very important. In advance thanks.

Malanova T.B.
01.06.2004, 17:03
If you were not on reception of that be afraid???? Before survey gineologo with you talks. You can, if the doctor has not liked, to refuse survey. Survey - survey shejki uteruses in mirrors and survey by arms or hand.

04.06.2004, 20:48
Thanks you for the answer. But I would like to specify: in fact to everyone who any more virgins at survey enter this razdvigatel. Tell or say, please, it painfully? Deeply it or him enter? You have written, what survey by mirrors, and a mirror insert after razdvigatelja?

06.06.2004, 18:35
If will be afraid, "will be clamped" and then it will be valid painfully (as in sex). Try to relax and deeply to breathe on kresle-it helps or assists. And that, is advice or council only for you, t. To. You obviously are afraid. And not zamorachivajtes what exactly and as to you insert. How much was at the gynecologist - so plainly and I do not know what instruments at them:) What for? All that is necessary - to you will tell or say in words. And from an armchair also it is not visible:)) Once again I advise deeply to breathe. And voobshche-this minute business, a teeth goraaaazdo is more unpleasant for treating. Here of that I am afraid! Yes, the doctor can feel arms or hand from above a stomach or belly at osmotre-it too a part of survey. Before will go - recollect what at you day of the cycle, what length he at you usually happens, whether is not present postronnih vydeleny between monthly, how long they go. Take with itself a towel or prostynku to lay on an armchair (if they do not have disposable napkins for this purpose), take nosochki to not go on a bare floor i/or God forbid to not pick up a fungus after set of patients. And, at last, drink valeriantki and go. All will be good:))

09.06.2004, 02:33
Thanks all of you huge!!! I understand, that before reception I shall worry up to such degree, that... But necessarily I shall to breathe deeply as you and have advised! Nevertheless to go it is necessary, and that is fast absolutely all I shall start. Thanks once again!