Просмотр полной версии : Tell or Say, please, the doctor, whether really it is possible to find out a cancer of an ovary (...

07.06.2004, 05:12
Tell or Say, please, the doctor, whether really it is possible to find out a cancer of an ovary (ov) only at a late stage, and on early even uzi will not show this disease?

Savchenko A.A.
07.06.2004, 17:32
In more than 60 % of cases at the moment of an establishment of the diagnosis patients have 3 4 st a cancer of ovaries. Means early stages, 1 and 2 are diagnosed for 40 % of patients. Means an early stage of a cancer of ovaries it is possible and it is necessary vyjavljut. The Major factor influencing survival rate - a stage of process. The less stage, the more longly a life.

07.06.2004, 20:10
In that case, "not miss", how often it is necessary to visit or attend the gynecologist? Or it is necessary to pass or take place any special researches and simply survey at the gynecologist insufficiently?

Savchenko A.A.
09.06.2004, 00:25
To visit or attend the gynecologist of times (it is better two) once a year. Researches under indications what exactly solved by your doctor.