Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! After the first sorts or labors 12 years ago (scheduled cesarean iz-for...

08.06.2004, 15:56
The dear doctor! After the first sorts or labors 12 years ago (scheduled cesarean iz-for bad visions) me have brought to feed the child only in 3 days, t. To. " iz-for reception of antibiotics it was impossible to feed ". In rez-those the child very badly sucked (it is not known, than fed in a maternity home) and fed ele-hardly up to 1, 5 months. Now I on 19 week ber-ti, am afraid of repetition of a situation. On different sites the different information on early applying to a breast after cesarean - that " is necessary at once on an operating table ", " in some days ". 1. How to persuade the doctor at once to give the child, whether there are such antibiotics, not stirring or preventing to early applying to a breast if yes, whether that it is necessary to begin prophylaxis of a dysbacteriosis simultaneously with the beginning of feeding at the child and than is better? At me in smears from fauces and vlag. It is found zolot. staf-to and strept-to. The doctor has told or said after sorts or labors to hand over milk on crop - if and there will find, with a breast to not feed. But I wish to hand over the analysis in advance to not waste time and not feed with its or his admixture. 2. If in milk it will be found staf-to and strept-to - that is more harmful to the child - these infections or arts. Feeding? I ask from you the detailed answer, t. To. It is very important - at me a cystic mastopathy, necessary to nurse. Many thanks in advance.

Malanova T.B.
08.06.2004, 22:01
Our conversation will be rhetorical as all should be discussed your questions with doctors whom messages you will and only remove or take off. Any links to other opinion interest in nobody.