Просмотр полной версии : Prompt please, whether it is possible to accept on 31 week in tablets and drops...

04.06.2004, 07:33
Prompt please, whether it is possible to accept on 31 week in tablets and droppers aktovegin and Trentalum to destination the doctor? Also that you can tell or say in occasion of noshpy in tablets and intramusculary. As the doctor has appointed or nominated as restful 1/2 fenozepam 3 in day, and to night 1 nyxis sebazina (I while to accept all this am afraid)

07.06.2004, 03:55
At you a placental failure? Then to accept it is possible. Noshpu I would accept v/m. And in kachetsve restful is better persen or novopasit. I can not understand, what for the doctor has appointed or nominated sebazin and fenozepam, can, any problems, you all is simple not have told or said? In fact treatment is appointed or nominated after the put diagnosis if you have specified they be it would be easier to understand as for what have appointed or nominated.

08.06.2004, 11:02
I can tell or say only in occasion of aktovegina and Trentalum, t. To. I too accept these preparations for treatment fitoplatsentarnoj failures (disturbance matochno-a placental circulation - to the kid badly act pit. v-VA and oxygen). Aktovegin has no contraindications at pregnancy, t. To. It is a natural preparation (an extract from a blood teljat), this very good, effective medicine, pravdo dorogovato. It is better to do or make it or him by a dropper - more effectively - and with Trentalum (I drink in tablets). Trentalum - (too for improvement of a blood flow to a placenta) has an agent "diluting" a blood in the summary of contraindication, but I asked here in this occasion. To me have responded, that this preparation is widely used in obstetrics and to be afraid it is not necessary, now it is the most effective preparation from this area.