Просмотр полной версии : At me term of 14 weeks. 3 days ago at me have started to bleed a gum or gingiva, and then...

04.06.2004, 17:18
At me term of 14 weeks. 3 days ago at me have started to bleed a gum or gingiva, and then vosspalilis. Whether That to me to do or make it is possible to cure independently or it is necessary to visit or attend the stomatologist, I in fact at it or him recently was also caries at me was not present.

06.06.2004, 00:00
Caries here and. I 20 weeks and too had a similar situation, the truth without an inflammation. Replace a tooth-brush (if at it or her a rigid bristle). Then I rinsed or gargled a mouth broth of a sage and soda. But at you the inflammation and to me seems to seem to the expert is better. I wish you health

07.06.2004, 00:46
Actually it is better to you to visit or attend the stomatologist, therefore as that there is to your gums or gingivas a phenomenon at eremennosti very widespread. And the reasons can be a little: shortage of iron or gland, a ulitis of pregnant women. It is possible to try to replace a tooth-paste, that Pasta would be not only against caries, but also for strengthening gums. And still the stomatologist has advised me (when at me was the similar problem) to clean a teeth after each reception of nutrition.

Pasenjuk A.M.
08.06.2004, 03:09
Most likely it is a question of a disadvantage of vitamins, therefore it is necessary to exclude an anemia, to accept vitamins, to pick up zudnuju Pasta and a brush, poloskatrot broth of a cortex of an oak, a sage, Maraslavinum and tp