Просмотр полной версии : Hello. Prompt pozh-hundred on what infections it is necessary to hand over analyses still...

05.06.2004, 01:38
Hello. Prompt pozh-hundred on what infections it is necessary to hand over still analyses at yellow vydelenijah, no other signs are present. Analyses on a clamidiosis, ureplazmos, gardnelez-chistye/PTSR metod/.

06.06.2004, 04:53
At me too yellow allocation, I already 2 times handed over analyses PTSR-a method on a chlamydia, a mycoplasma and a ureaplasma - anything is not present, leucocytes in a smear - individual, only it is a lot of epithelium, to me the doctor has told or said what is it from reception OK - a third year I accept... To me something is not believed, but has bothered already to hand over these or it prokljatye analyses!!! Prompt if it is possible!!!

Oshchepkova S.R.
07.06.2004, 20:10
Bacteriemic or Bacterial vaginoz, TSMV, herpes - smears. A blood on AT to chlamydias, TSMV, to herpes.