
Просмотр полной версии : Dear Oshchepkova S. . Thanks for the answer on December, 03rd Tell or Say, please....

07.06.2004, 16:47
Dear Oshchepkova S. . Thanks for the answer on December, 03rd
Tell or Say, please. Whether the doctor could at vakkume accept
For erosion a slice mucous at slightly opened naruzh-
Nomas fauces shejki? To Me 36 years, before erosions were not. And
What method of treatment now the most effective?
The laser?

Oshchepkova S.R.
07.06.2004, 19:55
The most effective schitatsja really laser. It is possible to apply and cryotherapy, both solkovagil, and "surgetron". Theoretically probably to confuse, to understand it is necessary to make the expanded colposcopy.