Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! From gardenelly and uroplazmy naznachenno the following: Tinidazolum...

03.06.2004, 22:05
The dear doctor! From gardenelly and uroplazmy naznachenno the following: Tinidazolum: 1 den-4 tab., 2 den-2 tab., 3-4 tab., 4 den-2 tab. + metrogil-gel of 6 days, then a doxycycline 0, 12. 10 + Nistatinum + kiporeron? It (is not clearly written) to a vagina. Please, whether it is impossible to replace a doxycycline with other preparation stronger. Kak-that I was treated by this preparation and he has not helped or assisted me, it was necessary on second time. I shall be grateful for the answer. Thanks in advance.

Malanova T.B.
07.06.2004, 03:36
The scheme or plan of treatment in general very strange. In absentia treatment is not appointed or nominated.