Просмотр полной версии : Hello the doctor, at me is some or a little bit the problems, one of them it that mails...

06.06.2004, 21:14
Hello the doctor, at me is some or a little bit the problems, one of them it that almost one year ago I did or made abortion, and now when we with the husband wish to get or start the child, at us turns out nothing, really this sterility or barrenness, we already have one child, want still. And more a question: at me it is almost constant (especially after monthly), go allocation, transparent color, but sometimes very plentiful. I do not think what is it ZPPP, t. To. We with the husband are correct drug-to the friend (it is assured of it or this), but what is it can be?

07.06.2004, 01:34
Most likely obbychnye normal allocation..
But all the same before to become pregnant, hand over analyses on an infection