Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Whether will show a smear on flora an inflammation if it is admissible is kaka...

06.06.2004, 06:53
Hello! Whether will show a smear on flora an inflammation if it is admissible there is any latent infection? And whether there can be this smear ideal, and the latent infection all the same to be present? The matter is that time in a floor of year I visit or attend the gynecologist, a floor of year handed over analyses on the latent infection, it's OK back. Has this time handed over a smear on flora, too very well. The partner did not vary. Whether it is necessary to hand over analyses on the latent infection? Answers to first two questions too excite me, respond, please. Huge to you thanks.

Malanova T.B.
07.06.2004, 01:18
1 Smear shows only displays of an inflammation in a vagina and the cervical channel. 2 at a bad smear it is necessary to search the originator. 3. If no complaints are present, smears - pure or clean to hand over smears on ZPPP not necessarily.