Просмотр полной версии : Good evening. At me a following question. The menses went not as always (...

Natalia To
06.06.2004, 11:34
Good evening. At me a following question. The menses went not as always (brownish allocation and very little). The test has given a positive take. Doctors while do not put pregnancy, but speak that the uterus is increased a little. 1. If pregnancy why can be allocation and whether it is normal? 2. What can be still (if not pregnancy) or to believe the test or dough?

Pasenjuk A.M.
07.06.2004, 00:50
1. If pregnancy allocation can be as result of a failure of Progesteronum. Nuzhnosdelat the US if there is a threat of an abortion - treats. If all in norm or rate to calm down, because can be allocation in days corresponding or meeting a prospective menses
2. Tustu it is possible to believe (they are mistaken in other party or side - it is pregnant is, but do not show)