Просмотр полной версии : I recently have handed over analyses on an infection. And as a result it is revealed: a papilloma in...

Lada ***
06.06.2004, 13:27
I recently have handed over analyses on an infection. And as a result it is revealed: a papilloma a virus (type 16 18, parvo), TSTMV, mycoplasmas, uroplazmy, gardnerelly. My partner (constant) does not know about it or this, and to devote it or him in it I do not want, I think, that iz-for it or this we rasstanemsja. He constantly insists on not were protected by a condom. Whether there are even any ways (except for a condom) to protect it or him from infection with my illnesses or diseases or as much as possible to lower risk of infection? How on the bill "miramistin" or "farmateks", or still something in this sort? What of the set forth above infections and viruses are passed at oral and proctal or anal sex? Also planned beremenost, before delivery of analyses, but now kak-that I am afraid... Whether as you think I can give birth to the healthy child at presence of these infections and viruses? I was treated during 3 years, and I am tired to be treated, it would be desirable to give birth, but whether costs or stands?

06.06.2004, 23:09
Unfortunately, that you have listed all is passed and at oral contact, the only thing that does not live in a drink or pharynx - ureoplazma, in consultations and hand over a smear from pharynx which reveals or taps presence of infections. The only thing, that though kak-that can save vsshego the partner from infection is a condom. Other vulval or vaginal preparations easily everyone pass or miss all - is checked up on own experience. At regular use Farmateksa, was ill with series of infections which you have listed. Therefore, only a condom, and on it or him hope not on 100 %! I Am afraid, as your partner can have all this set as these infections live both on mucous, and on all vydelenijah. My advice or council: tell to him, be treated everyone, hand over analyses - and only then it is possible to relax. In fact differently, there is a high probability of that you and each other will pass it (that most terribly) to waste time, money and health on useless treatment. And if be afraid to leave, attitudes or relations should not be under construction only on shaky idea sex if so he unreliable, that problems with health partnershi sooner or later, it, unfortunately, all the same will occur or happen can frighten off it or him. So take care of itself and the health, it, believe, it is more important. If it or him is not present, any sex and love not in pleasure. And beremennet now it is impossible, can and not bear or not take out, and the child can be ill right after sorts or labors, having passed or having taken place through the infected patrimonial ways of mother. Izvinete, for sharp advice or councils, all this has passed or has taken place with all special effects and nuances. I wish the big good luck and health - it is the most important!