Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor. Prompt please... Pregnancy of 24 weeks. Seg...

03.06.2004, 21:26
Hello, the doctor. Prompt please... Pregnancy of 24 weeks. Today has received results of analyses: mikoplazma-otr.; a clamidiosis - otrits.; ureaplazma-otrits.; toksoplazmoz-otrits.; tsitomegalovirus-otr. (0, 8), bakterioskopija-leucocytes 50 60, kokki-znach., epitelij-znach., fuziformnye bakterii-has died., korinebakterii-has died., gonokokki-(-); Trichomonases (-), gardnerelly (-), drozhzhi-it is uniform., mitsely mushrooms - it is uniform.
Herpes a virus 21gM - positive 1, 3 UNITS Please!!!! Whether tell or say there are reasons for trouble for the baby, at a positive take of herpes and at such bakterioskopii. To the local doctor I go only tomorrow therefore it would be desirable to receive the answer as soon as possible, very much I experience. In advance thanks.

Malanova T.B.
06.06.2004, 20:40
While the occasion for a panic is not present. A colpitis to treat it is necessary. If is not present now gerpeticheskih displays, only reception of vitamins and is a lot of fruit.