Просмотр полной версии : Hello! At me such question. One year ago during 3 h months prinima...

03.06.2004, 04:22
Hello! At me such question. One year ago during 3 h months accepted diane-35, all was normal. In it or this to year has started to accept 2 months ago and after 2 h days of reception there was a vomiting and a nausea. Later 2 months, t. e. Now has again tried them to accept, I drink here 5 days, the small nausea nevertheless is. I need to wait, that the organism adapted, has got used or it is necessary to stop reception diane? And more the question diane-35 concerns to mini-piljam? By the way, on trikvilar at me tazhe reaction.

04.06.2004, 20:48
The nausea and vomiting is a reaction of your organism to estrogens or Progesteronum. To stop or continue reception preparata-to solve to you. mini-pili-it is the preparations containing only Progesteronum. To Diana to them does not concern.

05.06.2004, 20:18
Dear Julia, many thanks for the answer. You could not prompt me, probably any other contraceptive preparations which do not contain Progesteronum and estrogens. To me 27, but I yet not given birth or not travailled, a spiral to me will not put, and to use condoms and spermitsidami it is very inconvenient at a regular sexual life. In advance I thank for the help.

06.06.2004, 16:05
Hello, Vick!
I suggest you to learn a method of recognition of fetal days. He, as shows an expert, is very effective. To that zhe-it is not necessary " to swallow of chemistry ". You will simply know days (them usually nearby 7 mi) in which will abstain from affinity. If your husband respects with you, problems with it or this will not be. Absolutely harmlessly and for all life. Write: pronin-da@yandex. ru