Просмотр полной версии : At me 20 weeks, has handed over analyses on all to an infection (a clamidiosis, a mycoplasmosis and t...

31.05.2004, 19:13
At me 20 weeks, has handed over analyses on all to an infection (the clamidiosis, a mycoplasmosis, etc., there there was a whole list). All analyses have shown absence of an infection. And the smear already second time shows presence. What is it can be? Or there are any "unknown" infections on which me simply do not send? How to me to learn or find out, what?
Also what to me in general to do or make in such situation, considering, what nothing disturbs me, is not present vydeleny, pains, etc. also pregnancy proceeds in norm or rate - to not search more for any infections and "to spit" on a smear?

01.06.2004, 22:20
Alla, the question is not clear. And what analyses show infections, if not a smear? And how a smear check chlamydias, for example? Explain, and that at you have shown which analyses.

03.06.2004, 15:05
First time from me have taken a smear (simply on flora) - he has shown presence of an infection. Further to me have appointed or nominated local treatment by suppositories, have then repeated a smear - the same. Then have taken a smear on more detailed analysis, just on all infections (chlamydias, a mycoplasma, etc.). And he has shown absence of ALL these infections. Here and it is interesting to me, what then at me? And why the general or common smear on flora shows presence of an infection, and infections it is not revealed?

06.06.2004, 11:20
Alla, here to you advice or council. Descend or go and hand over once again crops (crops) gde-nibud in other place, simply just in case to calm down. I, the truth, not so understand, how the usual smear on flora can pokzat presence of infections of that he shows in itself... From places I can recommend "Pasteur" (if you in Moscow) or here the venereologist on a site likes institute Gamalei. By the way, it is possible to not hand over a smear as till 30 weeks it is not so useful once again, and to hand over a blood on antibodies to everything, including chlamydias, herpes, ureplazmu, etc. Success