Просмотр полной версии : Hello. At me dipressija. It can and nonsense but I all time cry or pay and n...

05.06.2004, 15:44
Hello. At me dipressija. It can and nonsense but I all time cry or pay and there is no desire in general to rise from a bed, especially whom or to see. Term 7, 5. All is worse and huzhe-nothing pleases. What to do or make

05.06.2004, 22:34
uuuu, calm down and think of the small, not born baby who feels all your moods. Try to leave even for the sake of it or him the dipressii. Should please you even that you have a most close little man (at you in a tummy) which all feels changes of your mood. HE VERY STRONGLY LIKES YOU. Even from it or this to you should be warmer and radosnee on soul or douche.

Ryazanov And.
06.06.2004, 04:35
And such melancholy at future mummy? Moreover before new year? Find in itself forces to rise from a bed and to leave on street to take a breath of fresh frosty air. In fact now he absolutely especial, filled by a smell of pines and fur-trees, and also tangerines and oranges! Join crowd suetjashchihsja before a holiday of people, buy or purchase to itself and the kid any gift. Let it will be even a simple chocolate, but in fact she will be not only for you, but also for your kid. (by the way before joining crowd - use oksolinovoj ointment). Besides when you cry, with you cries also your small and it or him it is not a pity to you? Happy New Year and down with melancholy!