Просмотр полной версии : Zdravststvujte! At me the most extensive erosion with purulent papillas and zhirovikami...

05.06.2004, 12:05
Zdravststvujte! At me the most extensive erosion with purulent papillas and zhirovikami. 27 years. The doctor has told or said, that looking at age it is necessary to give birth or travail, and treatment to spend after sorts or labors. Or other variant: first we treat erosion, then half a year it is impossible beremenit. In the extremity or end of May of this year there was a currettage in occasion of a bursting of waters on term of 13 weeks. Very much it would be desirable the child, but terribly to leave not treated erosion. What will you advise?

Malanova T.B.
06.06.2004, 04:12
The description of erosion at you very strange. Give the description of the expanded colposcopy, smears on flora (from a vagina and the cervical channel) and data onkotsitologii. These results for you solving.