Просмотр полной версии : By results of salpingografii it is diagnosed " not permeability turb vsle...

04.06.2004, 09:03
By results of salpingografii it is diagnosed " not permeability turb owing to chronic inflammatory process ". Before passed or took place treatment of a ureaplasma. Treatment has passed or has taken place successfully. 1. Whether disease by a ureaplasma cause or call an obstruction of pipes could? 2. What methods of treatment of an obstruction of uterine pipes, and their efficiency? In advance thanks.

Rabaev S.G.
05.06.2004, 10:06
1 Could.
2 Efficiency of existing methods rather disputable ("insufflation" and endohirurgicheskoe the adhesiotomy) and is expedient to discuss a question about EKO.