Просмотр полной версии : Hello! I accept ZHanin a year. But I think to make a break, t. To. posto...

Julia, 24.
03.06.2004, 23:45
Hello! I accept ZHanin a year. But I think to make a break, t. To. The constant partner often on a trip and attitudes or relations not regular, except for that I feel, that OK vliljajut on my weight and a figure. Today there should be 5 tablet from new packing. Whether I can stop from now on acceptance OK, or it is necessary to finish packing? What is the time to make a break before the following vozobnovlenikm OK? While the weight will not rise on the place?

Soboleva L.I.
05.06.2004, 05:29
Hello! To interrupt reception of a preparation in the middle of month it is not necessary - disturbances of a cycle are possible or probable. To make a break in reception it is possible for such term which is necessary to you (will not appear yet regular intimate relations).