Просмотр полной версии : Hello! If not difficultly answer my questions, please. Mum (47...

03.06.2004, 13:43
If not difficultly answer my questions, please.
Mum (47 years, the climacterium has not come or stepped) 1, 5 years ago has transferred or carried a mastectomy - have amputated the right breast (1). Recently it was surveyed. Have found out a hysteromyoma, the raised or increased hormonal background and nodules in the left breast (fibro - a cystic mastopathy). One doctors speak, that it is necessary to remove ovaries, and others speak what enough to spend a chemotherapy. And himioterpevt speaks, that the chemistry is not required, as onkoprotsessa is not observed and has appointed or nominated to accept Tamoxifenum (on one tablet in day) and to be surveyed in half a year. Besides at it or her a problem with a thyroid gland - a diffusive or diffuse struma. We have already finally got confused. What to do or make? Vse-taki operation or enough Tamoxifenum is necessary? Who vse-taki the rights? And whether it is possible to accept Tamoxifenum together with mammoleptinom (I read, what is it an effective medicine at mastopathies). Harm will not be? Thanks.

Savchenko A.A.
05.06.2004, 02:22
In process of development of a medical science approaches to treatment of diseases vary, there can be some disagreements on some questions. It concerns or touches also treatments of a cancer of a mammary gland. I can not act on the basis of several offers in a role of the arbitrator. I can only advise to be treated to you in solid oncologic establishment at doctors which operated, observe you and, the main thing, bear for you the responsibility.