Просмотр полной версии : Natasha (and.. 10012) on June, 13th 2001 00 : 33 : 10 The dear doctor! I very much...

04.06.2004, 06:22
Natasha (and.. 10012) on June, 13th 2001 00 : 33 : 10
The dear doctor! I very much would wish to try or taste itself zaberemenit. I think that the expert is necessary to me good and grammotnyj. As it or he can be found. If you can help or assist me, tell or say to me pozhalujsto, I can to you I shall send results of the basic analyses. Whether and more respond pozhalujsto it is necessary to accept Marvelon.

Rabaev S.G.
05.06.2004, 00:33
Registry MTS Gospital-ru: 129 2655.