Просмотр полной версии : The doctor, you could not define or determine probability cesarean section in case of a basin...

Olga, 29 years
03.06.2004, 04:59
The doctor, you could not define or determine probability cesarean section in case of tazovogo a presentation at parameters of a basin 23 26 29 19, 5. Pregnancy the first, proceeded without any complications. For today term makes full 38 weeks. Hospitalization on antenatal have offered since May, 28th, t. To. The maternity home while is closed. I experience, that fights can begin till this time though any harbingers of sorts or labors yet I do not feel. What will you advise in the given situation?

Oshchepkova S.R.
04.06.2004, 19:26
1. To agree with other maternity home, t. To. At tazovom a presentation labors usually begin earlier, than in 40 weeks. 2. To exclude a sexual life, all stressornye situations. 3. Probability KS it is possible to tell or say, if you know the sizes and weight of a fetus.