Просмотр полной версии : Dear Svetlana Rostislavovna and Alla Mihajlovna! I address to you povtorn...

03.06.2004, 08:34
Dear Svetlana Rostislavovna and Alla Mihajlovna! I address to you repeatedly with the request to advise a cream for greasing a vagina at a sexual life as to me made ushivanie a vessel on a back wall of a vagina 1 month ago, owing to its or his damage trihloruksusnoj an acid at excision kondillom. And till now at introduction of a suppository I feel a pain. You have advised me of a cream " epigen-intimo " and "premitsija", but epigen-intimo there is only a spray, and about premitsiju anybody at all did not hear. I learned or found out it in a drugstore 1 on Nikolskoj both in firm " " and in other drugstores. I so understand, what the spray will not approach or suit me? And besides cost of a spray 500 rbl. very much I ask you to advise still something. Thankful in advance.

Oshchepkova S.R.
04.06.2004, 18:40
Here that it is necessary to do or make for restoration of normal humidity in a vagina.

Carefully choose soap. The vagina does not assume full sterility. It possesses an own natural method of the bacteriological control and its or his problem or task consists basically in maintenance of a natural level of acidity within the limits of 4, 5 rn.

It is better to use soap with the high maintenance or contents of Adepses and the lowered allergic activity, without stains and aromatic substances. Soap should not contain some alkali and should have a corresponding or meeting parameter rn.

Avoid some allergens. If dryness mucous vaginas represents reaction to substances which cause in you an allergy, you can spend simple investigation. Two most widespread allergens are aromatic substances and the stains containing in washing-up liquids and a toilet paper.

Refuse a beautiful and smelling sweet toilet paper in favour of the white, soft paper deprived a smell. If the reason of your frustration is covered in washing-up liquids or detergent powders, maybe, to you and it is not required to change them. Simply try to rinse once again linen in a washing machine. You can also try to replace color underwear on white, from a clap or cotton.

Learn to use emollients correctly. For some women absence of plentiful greasing in a vagina during sex exaltation is absolutely normal. Probably also occurrence of the humidifying or wetting liquid, remaining not noticed. When you lay on a back, the humidifying or wetting liquid can collect on a back wall of a vagina. It frames inconvenience during the sexual relations. Whether there is an output or exit from this position? Before the beginning of the sexual relations try to distribute or allocate in regular intervals greasing on walls of a vagina cautious movements of a finger.

Try or Taste substitutes. If at you dryness mucous vaginas is marked or celebrated from time to time, try to use during the sexual relations the agents of type prepared on water " K-Vaj Dzhelli ".

Avoid to use Vaselinum and butters or oils, they possess ability to cork a pore. If you use condoms the agents prepared on a fatty basis, lead to education of holes in them.

While agents of type " K-Vaj Dzhelli " fine approach or suit for cases of incidentally arising dryness in a vagina, " Rep-lens " it is possible to recommend as the reliable agent providing constant simplification. "Replens" contains substance which allocates water in a tissue of a vagina. First it or he needs to be used daily approximately within a week. Then it is possible to reduce application up to two or three once a week, depending on necessity.

Pass or Take place inspection at the doctor. Your doctor can find out, whether mucous vaginas dryness is connected with any dermal frustration which can cause these phenomena at you. He can take a small slice of a tissue for the analysis and after reception of results to appoint or nominate to you treatment by any cream or antibiotics.

Try to benefit by voluptuousness. When you on a regular basis are engaged in sex, at you appears more moisture. Continuation of intimate relations is the important factor in prevention of a thinning and a desiccation mucous vaginas during a menopause.
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