Просмотр полной версии : Prompt, please, as raschitat days of an ovulation? Whether I could zaberemennet...

31.05.2004, 16:29
Prompt, please, as raschitat days of an ovulation? Whether I could zaberemennet, if was engaged sekosm (and with prezervativyom) one week ago, for 12 day of a cycle (the cycle usually lasts at me 28 29 days though can and more than 30 days).
How in general on a status it is possible to understand, whether I am pregnant, later week, we shall tell or say after conception, how in my case? The general or common status the last couple of days at me awful. I wake up broken and not slept. Bad mood and smochuvstvie... Today has woken up with a stomach ache, hurts till now and diarrhea...

Irtuganov N.S.
02.06.2004, 06:16
Beremennnost it is rather doubtful. And your bad state of health is connected, basically, with empty experiences. The ovulation usually comes 12 14 days prior to date of the next menses. Objectively the period of an ovulation (at you) it is possible and should find out after the control of rectal temperature during 3 h cycles

02.06.2004, 21:54
The doctor, thanks you big, you have calmed me. The maximal temperature offensive or approach of an ovulation in a cycle means means? And during skolkih days she?
Thanks once again...

Irtuganov N.S.
04.06.2004, 01:41
The minimal temperature before sharp rise. The ovulation borrows or occupies on time not days, and hours, an another matter, that the ootid some days can be oplodvorena after an ovulation

04.06.2004, 18:00
Thanks, the doctor