Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor. To me 23 years, I smoke from 16 years. I smoke not any I shall give...

03.06.2004, 12:19
Hello, the doctor. To me 23 years, I smoke from 16 years. I smoke not any ladies' sigaretki, and strong enough cigarettes and not 1 2 in day. Pregnancy of 8 weeks, but I cannot in any way stop to smoke. I know that smoking very much harms to the child, but I can do or make nothing with itself. Give any advice or council, but not such what to not smoke and all. I very much worry.

04.06.2004, 17:32
Elena, I too and too smoke the pregnant woman. The truth already 1 2 in 3 4 days, but all the same it is constant about it or this I think. When I only have become pregnant I smoked on 10 12 cigarettes in day, have then lowered to 5 cigarettes, then at all did not smoke 2 weeks, then again on 5 cigarettes and here now I smoke on days off or holidays sometimes. I can not get off this bad habit In any way. Therefore I can authoritatively declare you, that if you wish to throw throw at once, and that you will come back all the same to sigaretke. And so accept more vitamin C, in addition (the nicotine kills vitamin C), drink svezhevyzhatye juices from morkovki and apples, drink a lot of dogrose (he is rich with vitamin C and relieves of toxins) And more I wish to tell or say to you if you vse-taki not udastsja to stop to smoke do not exhaust yourself ideas that you put or render irreplaceable harm to the child (will be even worse), many my friends smoked during all pregnancy on 10 and more cigarettes in day and have given birth normal rebetjat. And more if you smoke do not forget to watch over the health twice more carefully: float in pool, walk is more often and check a hemoglobin not less often than 1 time a month as the nicotine connects or binds a hemoglobin and the child can have an oxygen starvation that can lead to small weight at a birth. Success to you! Also try to stop to smoke:))