Просмотр полной версии : Girls, hello. At me 2 questions. Term of 17 weeks. In 16 handed over AFP....

03.06.2004, 06:22
Girls, hello. At me 2 questions.
Term of 17 weeks. In 16 handed over AFP. By results of nalazitsa - 17, 9. And what norm or rate at 16 weeks? The doctor nothing has told or said, all only writes, writes.... And the second question. At me very frequent migraines if I accept tsitromon, than it can otrazitsja?? Under analyses, the US and to other parameters, with malyshkoj very well, grows, jumps, dances, the grandmother the handle mashet... But I experience a little. Other agents do not help or assist me, at me congenital such pains. Thanks.

04.06.2004, 11:21
Norms or Rates AFP depend on laboratory, there to you should tell or say. But if something was not so, the doctor would tell or say. And you to a thicket questions set, do not hesitate, this your right and should be used it or him. Citramonum like can be drunk, but do not take a great interest or be not fond, it concerns to all medicines, even resolved. And a lemon to temples to put did not try or taste? Very good agent and safe.