Просмотр полной версии : How to be with the prevention or warning of a rubella at pregnant women? Whether Objazatelno-privivat...

04.06.2004, 00:05
How to be with the prevention or warning of a rubella at pregnant women? Whether Objazatelno-to take root or be inoculated, and through how much then it is possible to become pregnant? I, like, hurted or was ill;was sick in the childhood " korevoj a rubella " on uncertain memoirs of mum. What is it such? Whether and mozhno-to check up now immunity to her - analyses kakimi-nibut? And still - at the first pregnancy there was a toxicosis all 9 months - approximately with toroj weeks of pregnancy and is direct up to sorts or labors. I simply did not bear or take out smells of nutrition, normally ate only in most zadripannyh dining rooms: - (Especially did not bear or take out rice and cheese. It was rescueed or saved;salvaged by caramels, water-melons and mineralkoj. Whether Mozhno-that nibud to make, whether kak-that to receive medical treatment chto-to not be excruciated during following planned pregnancy?

Pasenjuk A.M.
04.06.2004, 11:15
It is desirable to make the analysis on presence of immunity to a rubella is it is done or made practically everywhere. If there is no this or it - to take root and become pregnant in three months after an inoculation better. And to prevent a toxicosis it is impossible is depends on perception of a fetus your organism